Registration Form

  • *The FAMILY PASSWORD is used for the protection of your child.

    Circumstances may occur when you will need someone that is not listed on the registration form to take your child from this facility. When these circumstances arise, you will need to call and inform us of your instruction. You will be asked your password. Informing us of your password will enable us to carry out your instructions. If you do not provide or remember your password, we may not be able to carry out your instructions from over the telephone. The password for your child should not be given to any other individual. The password provides a code between staff and parents only to enable us to follow your instructions from over the phone.

    Step 1: Select Campus:

      Franklin Academy

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  • Step 2: Child Information:


    *Allergies/ Medical Concerns:

    *Is your Child currently in an ESE program or receiving any special services during the regular school day?

    *In the event of emergency, I can arrive at the facility within

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  • Step 3: Parent/Guardian Information:


    *LG1 permitted to pick up child?


    *LG2 permitted to pick up child?

    *Is there anyone legally NOT allowed to pick up your child?

    *Child lives with?

    Emergency Contacts

    Other persons authorized by the parent to pick up my child. If the parent cannot be reached, the following persons may be contacted in case of illness, injury, or emergency. It is the registering parents’ responsibility to keep this list current.

    (Must be 18 years of age and show picture I.D. to remove child from the center.)

    * Only allow a maximum of 6 Emergency Contacts.

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  • Step 4: Discipline Policy:

    The children are our priority!

    Franklin Academy's aftercare uses behavior techniques that include positive reinforcement, redirection, conflict resolution and rewards. We expect all employees to treat the children in a respectful manner and for the children, in turn, to respond in the same way. We also expect the children to show this same respect to each other and to use all equipment and facilities in an appropriate manner.

    A child with a consistent behavioral problem who is not responding to his or her counselor or who exhibits extreme or dangerous behavior will be sent to the Aftercare Site Director, who will notify the child's parents and/or guardians with a Behavior Report. In extreme cases of behavior such as running away, fighting, extreme disruption, stealing, threats of violence, or destruction of school property, the parent and/or guardian may be called to pick up their child immediately and the child may be immediately suspended or dismissed from the after school program.

    If the problem persists, a parent/guardian conference will be scheduled at which the areas of concern and the steps which will be taken to help improve your child's behavior will be discussed. If the situation does not improve, the child may be suspended.

    • Child (ren) shall not be subjected to discipline, which is severe, humiliating, or frightening.
    • Discipline shall not be associated with food, rest, or toileting.
    • Spanking or any other form of physical punishment is prohibited.

    We feel strongly that a positive, supportive, and structured environment promotes good behavior. A full day of varied activities is planned to direct your child's energy into positive channels. We believe that children learn from us and that we are their positive role models.

    Our aftercare counselors and Site Directors/managers have a goal to help children feel good about themselves by building their self-esteem and self-confidence. Whenever discipline is necessary, corrective discipline is used to change the inappropriate behavior of the child, never to hurt or embarrass the child.

    The following are the steps taken to correct inappropriate behavior in our program and to insure the safety and wellbeing of all our children:

    • 1. Counselors will first take your child aside and quietly speak to him/her about their behavior. If the inappropriate behavior warrants, the counselor will either put the child in thinking time (appropriate to their age) or if necessary, have the on-site manager speak to the child. The child will receive a verbal warning.
    • 2. A child's second serious behavior incident will result in a phone call to the parents as well as a written behavior report.
    • 3. A child's third behavior incident will result in a conference with the child's parent and the Site-Manager and possible suspension or expulsion from the program.

    I have read and fully understand the Discipline Policy. I acknowledge that I can access the Franklin Academy Parent/Student Handbook through the school's website at at

    We reserve the right to dismiss your child from our program in the event that a parent does not comply with our policies and/or displays inappropriate behavior towards employees or staff.

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  • Step 5: Student Behavior Contract

    1. I will not hit, kick or hurts others.

    2. I will listen to my counselor.

    3. I will follow directions.

    4. I will not say mean things to anyone.

    5. I will stay with my group.

    (Parent and child must initial each item)

    I understand that my child will be expected to behave in accordance with the code of conduct. Disruptive behavior or actions posing a threat or any danger to them or anyone else will result in dismissal.

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  • Step 6: Consent Form:

    I hereby give my consent to have my child participate in all activities in the after school program. I also realize that neither Franklin Academy nor After School Connections will be responsible for any injuries that might occur during the normal school day and aftercare hours. I have read the above and hereby give my consent.

    Nutrition Plan Agreement

    Indicate special Dietary Requirements:

    My signature below verifies that I understand and approve the use of the Alternate Nutrition Plan. I agree to provide the snack from home to meet my child's nutritional and dietary needs.

    My signature below verifies that I have reviewed the brochure on Influenza Virus, The Flu A Guide to Parents online at:

    My signature below verifies that I have reviewed the brochure on Know Your Child Care Center at:

    My signature below verifies that I have reviewed the brochure on Distracted Adult at:

    Program Communication

    I hereby consent and acknowledge that Franklin Academy's aftercare program will communicate any safety or behavioral concerns with Franklin administration to ensure the safety and well-being of students enrolled.

    Video/ Photo Release

    I give permission to Franklin Academy, After School Connections or any school approved agent to photograph/video my child for the purpose of promoting the after school program or demonstrating the program’s accomplishments and activities. Photos may be published on brochures, the aftercare school website, flyers, advertisements, etc.

    Authorization for Emergency Medical Treatment

    In case of any emergency, Franklin Academy’s aftercare administrators will attempt to reach either parent or the emergency number given by the parent. If for any reason none of these parties are available, I authorize Franklin Academy’s aftercare administrators to use and transport to the closest medical facility and grant permission to perform any emergency procedure at the discretion of that medical facility.

    First number to call when a parent cannot be reached!

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  • Step 7: Payment Policy:

    REGULAR PROGRAM FEE: $75.00 non-refundable registration fee per family per school year. $300 tuition fee per 4-week period for first child and $280 per 4-week period for any additional sibling. Session 10 will be a prorated amount due to fewer weeks offered during this session, please check with your campus for provided rate.

    Faculty/Employee Fee: $75 non-refundable registration fee per family per school year and a $150 tuition fee per 4-week period per child.

    Tuition is due a week before the new session begins, Monday through Thursday. We only accept online credit card & ACH payments. You can submit your payment online at

    PAYMENT POLICY & PROCEDURES: Payments must be made prior to the start of the attendance period. If payment is not received by the due date provided, your child will be considered unenrolled from our program. There is a stringent no refund/ no credit policy. Including but not limited to, unexpected school closures, inclement weather/hurricanes, pandemics, child sickness, withdrawn/dismissed from the program or school. If your payment is late, a $25 late fee will be charged. The late payment fee must be paid no later than the first week of the new session. *Credits do not roll over from previous school years or summer program. . All payments made must be used for the registered session of the program.

    Please visit our website at to make an online payment. These fees are based on an annual tuition of services provided and are divided into equal payment periods for your convenience.

    RETURNED ACH CHARGE: We only accept online credit card & ACH payments. Returned ACH return fee of $25 will be charged and all subsequent payments must be credit card only for a period of one school year.

    LATE PICK-UP CHARGE: The late pick-up fee is $1.00 per minute, PER CHILD after 6:00 p.m. This fee is due by credit card upon picking up your child. After 3 late pick-ups in the same 4 week session, we reserve the right to drop your child from our enrollment.

    REENTRY CHARGE: Withdrawing from Franklin Academy’s aftercare program, guardians must provide a withdrawal form to After School Connections. There will be a $25.00 reentry fee per family for reentering any session during the 2024-2025 school year.

    I acknowledge the payment schedule of fees (which is available on the website under the make a payment tab) and it will be paid by me for my child's attendance in Franklin Academy's aftercare program. I understand that in the event I fail to pay these charges in a timely fashion and collection procedures are started or suit is initiated to collect unpaid charges, I will be responsible for all collection costs, 18% interest on the unpaid charges and reasonable attorney's fee for counsel to Franklin Academy.

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  • Step 8: COVID-19 Liability Waiver

    I acknowledge the contagious nature of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 and that the CDC and many other public health authorities still recommend practicing social distancing. I further acknowledge that After School Connections LLC has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I acknowledge that After School Connections LLC has a stringent no refund/no credit policy. In the event there is a Covid-19 case, I acknowledge that After School Connections will be required to close as a safety measure.

    I further acknowledge that After School Connections LLC cannot guarantee that my child/ren will not become infected with the Coronavirus/Covid-19. I understand that the risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected by the Coronavirus/COVID-19 may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of myself and others, including, but not limited to, aftercare staff, and other aftercare participants and their families.

    I voluntarily seek services provided by After School Connections LLC and acknowledge that I am increasing my risk to exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19. I acknowledge that I and my child/ren must comply with all set procedures to reduce the spread while attending After School Connections aftercare program.

    I attest that:

    • I nor my child/ren are not experiencing any symptom of illness such as cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
    • I nor my child/ren have not traveled internationally within the last 14 days.
    • I nor my child/ren have not traveled to a highly impacted area within the United States of America in the last 14 days.
    • I nor my child/ren do not believe have been exposed to someone with a suspected and/or confirmed case of the Coronavirus/COVID-19.
    • I nor my child/ren have not been diagnosed with Coronavirus/Covid-19 and not yet cleared as non-contagious by state or local public health authorities.
    • I and my child/ren am following all CDC recommended guidelines as much as possible and limiting my exposure to the Coronavirus/COVID-19.

    I hereby release and agree to hold After School Connections LLC harmless from, and waive on behalf of myself, my child/ren, my heirs, and any personal representatives any and all causes of action, claims, demands, damages, costs, expenses and compensation for damage or loss to myself, my child/ren and/or property that may be caused by any act, or failure to act of the aftercare program, or that may otherwise arise in any way in connection with any services received from After School Connections LLC. I understand that this release discharges After School Connections LLC from any liability or claim that I, my child/ren, my heirs, or any personal representatives may have against the aftercare program with respect to any bodily injury, illness, death, medical treatment, or property damage that may arise from, or in connection to, any services received from After School Connections LLC. This liability waiver and release extends to the aftercare program together with all owners, partners, and employees.

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